1. select LARS as Profile character – PERMANENT2. select K! Master code (tr:dra) & make sure the refresh rate of cheat: 13 to 19 (Mins is always 17)
3. choose DRAGUNOV for PLAYER 1 in practice mode to resolve K! system.
4. NOW CHOOSE (check it in the cheatlist) THE CHARACTER THAT YOU WANT TO USE & DISABLE OTHER CHARACTERS if you’re not using it. Strictly 1 Character Checked at a time. MAKE SURE YOU CHOOSE THE CHARACTER that needs resolve to activate it, ex.
ASUKA KAZAMA (“p1pau-88C-888,p2bru-88E”;8900)
, that means you must choose PAUL vs BRUCE in practice mode first, then you can use ASUKA. or
JIN KAZAMA (“p1hwo-886/887/892/885″;”p2hei-88A”;891)
that means you must choose HWOARANG vs anyone first, then choose JIN vs HEIHACHI then you have resolve the activations.
NOTE:This can also be applied to Tekken Hybrid.. just change the CHEATS of tekken hybrid with this cheat..
A step by step guide on how to activate the cheats for the Tekken 7FR Project Mod provided by wksers serks of Youtube..